Our CEO, Hal Seki, will be a conference speaker at “Location Business & Marketing EXPO 2024 ” to be held at Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Trade Center from May 21 (Tue.) to May 22 (Wed.), 2024.

Thursday, May 22, 13:50-14:20
Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Trade Center Hamamatsucho 2F
Digital Public Goods Expanding the GovTech Market
Hal Seki, CEO, Georepublic Japan, LLC

The event is free of charge (advance web registration is required), and we look forward to seeing you there.

Session Outline

With the evolution of digital technology, geospatial information services have become indispensable tools in diverse fields. One factor is that the release of open data by governments has encouraged the use of geospatial data. The provision of detailed geospatial data held by local governments as open data has led to the creation of a variety of private-sector services.

In the field of disaster prevention, new value-added services are being created one after another by combining administrative data with private-sector data, such as evacuation simulations linked to hazard maps, which enable appropriate evacuation planning.

In the construction field as well, open topographical data is expected to be utilized. It is believed that utilizing accurate geospatial information in construction planning will enable efficient construction, but there are still issues to be addressed before full-scale introduction in practice.

Meanwhile, geospatial information is playing an important role in the field of public infrastructure maintenance and management. Geospatial data is indispensable for periodic inspections using drones to address aging bridges and roads. It is also being used to predict future disaster risks, making it a public service that leads to the safety and security of citizens.

In this way, geospatial information is functioning as a digital public good. However, there are regional disparities in its benefits, and further penetration into small and medium-sized businesses is an issue. An open and comprehensive geospatial information infrastructure is required, and the promotion of data sharing through public-private partnerships will be key.

In this presentation, I would like to propose a form of co-creation between government and business, focusing on GovTech and digital public goods.

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