In September the annual FOSS4G will take place in Nottingham, and beside being a sponsor Georepublic will attend the event with three of us travelling from Tokyo and Osaka. We are also planning to attend State of the Map in Birmingham, UK and the Quantum GIS Developer Meeting in Brighton before heading to FOSS4G.

FOSS4G 2013

Our main news for this FOSS4G will be the new major release of pgRouting , which has been partially rewritten, newly structured and comes with a bunch of new algorithms and more.

Georepublic already starts with a workshop on Tuesday afternoon. Together with Yves Jacolin and Frederic Junod from Camptocamp we made this year’s pgRouting workshop even better.

Here a list of where you can meet us at the conference:

We will be around the venue during the conference, the code sprint and Geohack event before and after, listening to presentations and talking with other developers. Not to forget the “night program” in the pubs of Nottingham. Come and say “hi” if you see us.


Daniel Kastl

Geographer, Founder, Software Developer, working on the Next Generation Internet.

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pgRouting preview: the new VRP solver
December 5, 2013
FOSS4G Presentation about pgRouting
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Georepublic at FOSS4G 2010 Japan in Tokyo and Osaka
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