This year’s OSGeo main event, the FOSS4G 2010 in Barcelona, is just one month ahead and blogs are filling up with articles of people being excited to attend the conference.

Georepublic will be there for the first time and this is not a big surprise, because the company is less than one year old. Nevertheless Georepublic will have 100% of their team attending the conference! I think that’s worth to mention. And even if you won’t find us on the sponsors list yet, we contributed many hours in projects like pgRouting and OSGeo Live DVD.
Georepublic already starts with a workshop on Tuesday morning. Together with Frederic from Camptocamp we made this year’s pgRouting workshop even better with pretty manual and GeoExt sample application. Our workshop is already fully booked for many weeks and it made us very happy and proud to see that it was the most popular one.
Here a list of where you can meet us at the conference:
- Workshop: FOSS4G routing with pgRouting tools, OpenStreetMap road data and GeoExt
- Presentation: Shortest path search for real road networks with pgRouting
- Poster session: Solving the dial-a-ride problem with pgRouting
We will be around the venue during the conference, listening to presentations and talking with other developers. Not to forget the “night program” in the pubs of Barcelona. Come and say “hi” if you see us.