This post is written as response to Michal Zimmermann’s article “Routing with pgRouting: Catchment Area Calculation ”.

Wrong Catchment Area

Michal’s article was interesting to read, and it definitely contains some valid points of criticism. The drive-time polygons definitely don’t look as one would expect! I couldn’t believe, that this is pgRouting’s fault, because the result always looked OK when using the drive-time and polygon generating functions. So hwo can it be done better?

Lack of Documentation

While drive-time (or catchment area) calculation is needed frequently, I must admit, that the related pgRouting functions are of inferior quality in thepgRouting Documentation , and they are not mentioned in thepgRouting Workshop at all. However, the use of pgr_drivingDistance orpgr_pointsAsPolygon follow the same pattern as most of the pgRouting functions. After learning through the workshop it shouldn’t be too difficult to understand and use any other pgRouting function.

This article shall be the first step to provide better documentation, eventually it will be added later as a new chapter for the workshop.

The Network is Crucial

Many problems start at the very beginning with “bad” network data. If the network data was processed with the wrong tools and doesn’t contain a correct network topology, pgRouting will always return bad results. You must know very well, what you are doing, if you use a different tool thanosm2pgrouting (or osm2po ) with OpenStreetMap data. It’s almost certain to fail, if the network topology is computed manually with different software. Its’s NOT trivial!!! And using osm2pgrouting is not really difficult:

First we download some OSM data, in this case it’s the same extent, defined as bounding box:

wget --progress=dot:mega -O "roads.osm" \

Then we create a database routing and install PostGIS and pgRouting as extension:

createdb routing
psql --dbname routing -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis'
psql --dbname routing -c 'CREATE EXTENSION pgRouting'

And as the third step we use osm2pgrouting to parse and process the OSM and import it into our database. mapconfig.xml needs to be adjusted depending on the purpose. However in this post I’m using the default settings.

osm2pgrouting --f ./roads.osm \
              --conf path/to/mapconfig.xml
              --dbname routing
              --username postgres

The latest version of osm2pgrouting supports incremental data processing, so if your data size exceeds the required work memory, you can split the area into many and process them one by one. osm2pgrouting will make sure, that only missing network data will be added.

There is nothing else to do! The data is ready for pgRouting!

Compute Drive Times

With pgr_drivingDistance we can calculate the distance (cost) from a start node to any other node in the network until a maximum cost is reached. Because our network data is rather small, the maximum cost of 3600 seconds starting from node 15632 covers the whole area. And for simplicity we store the query result in a table distances.

CREATE TABLE distances AS (SELECT a.node AS id, a.agg_cost AS distance, b.the_geom
    FROM pgr_drivingDistance(
        'SELECT gid AS id, source, target, cost_s as cost, reverse_cost_s as reverse_cost FROM public.ways',
    ) a, ways_vertices_pgr b WHERE a.node =

Note: the cost parameter in pgRouting can be computed as you like. osm2pgrouting already pre-computes some costs based on distance and on time, using the settings from the mapconfig.xml file.

Generate Polygons

Now we can write a query to compute drive time polygons based on a list (array) of distances, in our case in seconds:

DO $$
  dist int;
  arr int[] := ARRAY[300,200,100,50];
  DROP TABLE IF EXISTS catchments;
  CREATE TABLE catchments(
    distance integer,
    the_geom geometry(polygon,4326)

    RAISE INFO 'Distance is %', dist;
    WITH polygon AS (
      SELECT pgr_pointsAsPolygon(
        'SELECT id, ST_X(the_geom) AS x, ST_Y(the_geom) AS y
          FROM distances WHERE distance <= ' || dist || ';'
        ) AS geom
      INSERT INTO catchments (distance,the_geom)
        SELECT dist, ST_SetSRID(polygon.geom,4326) FROM polygon;

We’re computing four drive-time polygons with an upper limit of costs: 300, 200, 100 and 50 seconds. The result is written the table catchments and can be rendered with QGIS for example:

Catchment Area with default alpha

The function [pgr_pointsAsPolygon](9) draws an alpha shape around a given set of points. The polygon is computed using CGAL’s 2-D Alpha Shape algorithm and by default uses an optimal alpha value.

By defining a custom alpha value like 0.00001, the fineness of the polygon can be modified:

DO $$
  dist int;
  arr int[] := ARRAY[300,200,100,50];
  DROP TABLE IF EXISTS catchments;
  CREATE TABLE catchments(
    distance integer,
    the_geom geometry(polygon,4326)

    RAISE INFO 'Distance is %', dist;
    WITH polygon AS (
      SELECT pgr_pointsAsPolygon(
        'SELECT id, ST_X(the_geom) AS x, ST_Y(the_geom) AS y
          FROM distances WHERE distance <= ' || dist || ';',
        ) AS geom
      INSERT INTO catchments (distance,the_geom)
        SELECT dist, ST_SetSRID(polygon.geom,4326) FROM polygon;

Catchment Area with custom alpha

The example shows, that processing network data in a wrong manner will usually lead to wrong results. It’s not always pgRouting’s fault ;-)


  • It’s crucial to prepare the network data correctly!
  • For the examples standard costs (seconds) were used, that do not fit for pedestrians and need some custom calibration.
  • Queries can be written more elegant, for example as stored procedures to accept variables as function arguments.


Daniel Kastl

Geographer, Founder, Software Developer, working on the Next Generation Internet.

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